Defying Gravity

Thursday, November 09, 2006

CNN's Lou Dobbs on the midterms

CNN's Lou Dobbs has a great column suggesting that voters in the midterms told Washington to "shut up and listen." I couldn't agree more.

Voters chose to overturn our current one-party political structure and returned checks and balance to our government. November 7 also demonstrated that the American electorate is far more discerning and independent-minded than either political party or our elites would like to believe.

Election Day was middle-class America's declaration of independence from a Republican-led administration and Congress that for six years has been telling working men and women and their families in this country to shut up, listen up and go to hell.


  • That's an amazing quote. Apparently, even sheep can only be told to shut up and follow for so long before they eventually give you the finger.
    I never would have thought that I would be HAPPY that Rumsfeld didn't resign/get fired months ago. Mid-Terms may not have turned out they way they did. Just another blunder by the current administration which they paid the price for.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:29 PM  

  • Oooh! You like politics! Me too! I voted for Granholm of course.

    By Blogger Sara Maria, at 4:34 AM  

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